Corporate Social Responsibility
Our Model Company Objective and Social Responsibility
are two sides of the same coin. We report on our social
responsibility, and in 2016 VKR Holding A/S joined
the UN Global Compact.
As early as 1965, Villum Kann Rasmussen put into words how he believed a company should act towards its customers, its business partners, and its employees. He summarised it into the “Model Company Objective”.
The Model Company Objective contains the essence of the VKR Group’s approach to social responsibility and it represents the general ambition within CSR which all the companies in the VKR Group aspire to:
To operate in a responsible way and to secure financial earnings for continued growth.
In many ways, it matches what is today broadly known as Corporate Social Responsibility, or ‘CSR’.
Our ESG policy that applies to all companies in the VKR Group is apparent from this document.
What is a Model Company?
“The purpose of the VKR Group is to establish a number of model companies,
which cooperate in an exemplary manner.
A model company works with products useful to society and treats its customers, suppliers,
employees of all categories and shareholders better than most other companies.
A model company makes a profit which can finance growth
and maintain financial independence.”
Villum Kann Rasmussen, 1965
UN Global Compact
Since 2016, we have been a member of the UN Global Compact and supported the ten principles within Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption.
Up to and including 2021, we have submitted our COP report to the UN Global Compact. Previous COP reports are available on this page.
From 2022, the form of reporting to the UN Global Compact has been changed to a questionnaire. No later than 30 June each year, data from VKR Holding A/S can be found on the UN Global Compact website.
Our business areas also submit their own sustainability reports every year, which further describe their work with social responsibility. Their reports are listed below.
Find our Annual Report 2023 to the right also describing our social responsibility.