One section of Campus LKR’s path system is called the LKR Path (Sections A to F on the map). Along this path, six sections have been planted with the most common tree species used in the production of VKR Group’s windows and doors.


Douglas Fir

[Pseudotsuga menziesii]

Regions of Growth: Douglas fir is most commonly found in North America, particularly in British Columbia, northern California, and the states of Oregon and Washington. It was introduced to Europe in the 19th century by the Scottish botanist David Douglas.

Douglas fir was used at VELUX Greenwood from the late 1970s until approximately 1991. It is widely utilized in the building trade, furniture production, and various other industries. The species is among the tallest trees in the world— in 2009, a Douglas fir in Oregon was recorded at nearly 100 meters in height. In Denmark, a Douglas fir near Slåensø lake in the Silkeborg forests, dating back to 1895, stands 55 meters tall and is believed to be the country's tallest tree.

The tallest tree species in the world is the Giant Redwood in California, reaching heights of up to 115 meters.